Thursday, January 22, 2009

Athletes Attitudes

Hi my name is Tyler Brown and this is my first blog. I am here to talk about how athletes act now as to back then. Athletes now pretty much want one thing: money. take for example Terrell Owens, Football player for the Dallas Cowboys. He pretty much gets everything he wants. If he wants off a team, all he has to do is complain and he gets his way. I am suprised he hasn't got kicked off Dallas yet. Not all players are like that. It used to be simple back in the time when there was no salary cap and you could sign whoever you wanted. Thats how it was back in the 70's and 80's. Through it all, there was one man who never complained about nothin and that man was Jerry Rice, former wide receiver for the Oakland Raiders, Seattle Seahawks, and the San Francisco 49ers. He didn't care how much he was paid, he just cared about playing football. An example of his loyalty to football is when he hurt his leg really bad and the doctors said he was done for the season, but he rehabbed that leg and was back in around 6 or 7 weeks only to injure it again to finish his season, but still that shows how much he loves the game. These players now days could learn a lot from the players of old. Feel free to post anything back on this, I would love to comment back.

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